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HomeAdult Learn To Sail

Adult Learn to Sail Program

GMSC offers a weekend adult sailing class twice yearly during the Spring and Fall seasons. This program is specifically designed for beginners interested in learning sailing fundamentals. The course includes a combination of classroom sessions and on-the-water instruction. Participants will be taught using keelboats and Flying Scots.

Key Components of the Course:

  • Sailing Terminology
  • Parts of the Boat
  • Points of Sail


The class is led by experienced club members with extensive sailing and teaching backgrounds. Their expertise allows them to provide comprehensive guidance to participants.

Intended Audience

The Adult Learn to Sail class is open to anyone seeking an introduction to sailing or looking to enhance their sailing skills. It also serves as a skill-building opportunity for family, friends, and crew members of existing skippers. Please note that this is not a certification course.

Class Structure:

Friday night sessions are conducted in a classroom setting, covering the basics of sailing, boat parts, points of sail, and sailing terminology. On Saturday, participants gain practical experience on keelboats and Flying Scots. These boats are either loaned by GMSC members or owned by the club.

Further Opportunities:

Upon completing the course, participants are encouraged to participate in the GMSC Centerboard and Keelboat Racing program. Practicing the skills learned in this course will allow individuals to continue refining their sailing techniques and become more involved in the sailing community.


Registration for the Adult Learn to Sail class opens 30 days before the start of each session.

Contact the Adult Learn to Sail chairperson HERE for additional information.

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