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About Us

GMSC was formed to promote sailboat racing. Our program consists of a series of races from May through October for centerboard boats, and from November through April for keelboats. 

GMSC follows the rules and regulations set forth by Central Arkansas Water. Club rules and regulations can be found HERE.

Several special regattas are held throughout the year. 

* The Hawg Wild Regatta for centerboards and catamarans on Memorial Day weekend;

* The Labor Day Regatta for centerboards and catamarans;

* The Fall and Spring Keelboat Regattas.


The club publishes a newsletter, the Mainsheet, for reports of club activities and information including racing schedules. Numerous social events are sponsored by the club, including the annual Spring Fling and Fall Ball. The Spring Fling is usually held the night before the beginning of centerboard season, and the annual awards banquet, or Fall Ball, is held in November or December.


GMSC is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Arkansas, and run by the Board of Directors. Chairmen of standing committees are club member appointed by the Commodore, and are responsible for various duties regarding club activities and property. Fleet Captains of recognized fleets are also voting members of the Board, and are elected each year by their respective fleets.


The Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of every month to conduct business. The annual meeting for members is held in October, at which time elections of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Secretary and Treasurer are held.