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Date: 1/31/2025
Subject: Racing this Sunday!
From: Grande Maumelle Sailing Club

Ready to Race, this Sunday at Noon!  

The first race of the second series kicks off Sunday, February 2. The weather will be warm and windy, but water temps are very cold so be sure to layer appropriately! The race committee will host a brief skippers meeting at the pavilion prior to racing circa Noon. It's not required but highly encouraged. In additional to general info, we will discuss underwater obstacles recently discovered. The go-no-go index is a GO!


Join Us After the Race at the Clubhouse

All are welcome to the clubhouse for our seminar series, "One Rule at a Time." If you have a rule you'd like clarified, submit your question to be considered! We will serve pepperoni pizza and snacks after the race. Bring anything else you'd like!

Lake Level Update!  Keelboat Owners Please Take Action As Necessary

Lake levels have been lower than expected due to an unplanned dam repair. This was not anticipated as part of the Hydrilla Draw-Down cycle. As result, in addition to the slips being grounded and flotation being dislodged, many boats are on the ground. 


Recent storms have given us a few feet of water in the lake and a brief window for boat owners to take action to protect their boats. The handful of previously grounded boats are currently floating. NOW is the time to prepare for the upcoming low water event, which is estimated to reach around 80ft on the Natural Steps USGS gauge once work on the dam commences. Keelboat owners, please make plans this weekend to visit the lake and check on your boat and slip and take necessary steps to ensure they are not damaged when the water drops in the near future. 


The low water level may extend through the Spring if CAW is not able to complete the dam repair over the next few months.  Much like our Kiko's Corner project, this work is heavily weather dependent. Thankfully, we have some mild conditions ahead!

How to protect your slip.

GMSC slip holders are expected to care for their own slips and lend a hand when repairs are needed. This includes modifications during lake drawdowns. The Club is responsible for walkways up to the point they reach the slip sections, but the area in front of most slips is the responsibility of the slip holder. Secure your loose foam, lift your brackets, and adjust your dock lines so they're as long as possible. Even if you had clearance last year, consider this year will be even lower by around a foot and a half.


The Docks Chairman emailed all slip holders earlier this week with more detailed recommendations. If you don't receive email from David, please check your spam folder or get in touch to engage!

Check out upcoming events on our website!  

Regster here for the Chili Cook-Off!
Kiko's Coner work in progress!
Please visit our website, for more info.
Mailing Address: PO Box 55237, Little Rock, AR 72215 USA
Physical Address: 12000 Maumelle Harbour Road, Roland, AR 72135