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Date: 10/30/2024
Subject: October Mainsheet
From: Grande Maumelle Sailing Club

The Mainsheet Header 1450 x 500

Linda Sexton

Please Cast Your Vote for the Linda Sexton - by Friday at Noon


This award recognizes the person who has dedicated the most time and energy in support of GMSC, they have been present throughout the year advancing the club’s needs, they are proactive and go beyond in the service of the club. 


Submit your vote by noon on Friday by clicking this link: Linda Sexton Memorial Service Award


Please note there is only one vote per membership!  

Commodores Corner – October 2024

by Mary Michaels


Hello everyone! 


Fall is here, and despite the warm temperatures, we're excited for a new sailing season and all that comes with it. Don't miss out on the fun.  Visit our GMSC website to check out the upcoming events and join in on the fun!  


It’s a Wrap for the Centerboard Season


We had the Centerboard Championship regatta last weekend. This is GMSC’s own version of the Championship of Champions where the top winners in each fleet race against each other to determine the overall centerboard champion.  This year the racing was in Y-Flyers and we had 5 competitors including Drew Daugherty and Nicole Claas Moore, Ben Guise and Mary Michaels, David and Jonathan Nigus, Yates Phillips and Jack Mulhollan, and Roger O’Quin and Genie Jones. 


After 4 races, Drew Daugherty and Nicole Class Moore fought to take the Championship title!  Congrats to the winners and kudos to all who sailed in the championship! 


Thank you to our race committee members – Greg Hamilton, Sherri Jo McLemore, and Brett Trelfa – who ran a great regatta despite being a lean team!


Keelboat Season Starts this Weekend! 


The Keelboat Series kicks off this weekend – Sunday, November 3. Don't forget to set your clocks back!


 The Fall Regatta is the following weekend – Saturday and Sunday November 9-10.


We expect a great turnout this season, with a total of 19 keelboats expected to race (A-Fleet - 12; B-Fleet - 7). 


With so many boats on the line, crewing opportunities are plentiful! If you are interested in finding a berth (for the season or just for a certain day) you can reach out to the fleet captains OR just show up on the docks and see who can needs a crew! A-Fleet Captain is Brett Trelfa and B-fleet Captain is James Corriveau. 


A big thank you to Greg Hamilton, who is running the race committee for the 2024-2025 Keelboat season.  Coordinating the race committee program and volunteers is an important job and Greg provides a great service to our club by filling this role.


Racing is the lifeblood of our club, and I would like to ask every club member to serve on the Race Committee during the season.  Please go to this site and select / sign-up for the day that works best for you Race Committee Details and SIGN UP


Annual Meeting and Flag Officer Elections


We had our 2024 Annual Meeting earlier this month at the Whole Hog Café. During the meeting, we provided club updates, elected new flag officers for 2025 and did raffles for new GMSC merch! 

Congratulations to our slate of officers for 2025:

  • Commodore – Yates Phillips
  • Vice Commodore – Kirt Simmons
  • Treasurer – Sherri Jo McLemore
  • Secretary – Roger O’Quin


GMSC Merchandise (Hats, Shirts, Vests, Jackets, etc.)


For all of you who asked where I got my GMSC vest, hats and t-shirts (which I love by the way) - the good news is it is so easy.  Thanks to Neil Jones, we have a new apparel store where you can buy all sorts of GMSC gear.  Check it out -  apparel site.    


Fall Ball Tickets – RSVP by November 4th


The Fall Ball and Annual Awards Ceremony is November 16 at the Marriot Hotel downtown. This promises to be a fantastic event where we will have a delicious meal overlooking the river, enjoy music, and celebrate our award winners.

For planning purposes, please RSVP ASAP by filling out this form.  It is easy and you can pay at the event GMSC FALL BALL.  Alternatively, you can email Cait Tribett, our fabulous social chair, at  


Get Involved!


GMSC is a volunteer run club, and we need all our members to make it be the best it can be!  If you are interested in a position on our board or serving on a committee, please reach out to me. I would love to discuss opportunities, large and small, with you!


Thanks to all of you for making GMSC such a wonderful club!  I look forward to seeing you on the lake and/or at the Fall Ball!



Kiko’s Corner Seawall Project - Expected to Begin in Mid-December

by Mary Michaels


We are planning to complete the sea wall project once the water recedes, and we have access to the wall.  This project has required a great deal of work to get to this point.


I want to thank David Nigus for his work to identify the problem, research option and secure a proposal from Foundation Specialties.


Our club is also very fortunate to have knowledgeable and talented engineers, Joe Hilliard and Mark Barton, who have both consulted and been heavily involved on this project.  Joe secured all required permits on our behalf and Mark is coordinating with Foundation Specialties and plans to be on site during the work to ensure the project goes smoothly.


While heavily weather dependent, we are targeting January 2 to begin the actual work.  Leading up to the start day, there will be significant prep work required – stay tuned for a fun work party coming up!  Once the project begins, we expect it to require around 3 weeks, again if the weather cooperates. 


IMPORTANT: Kiko’s corner, including the crane and surrounding areas will be closed December 15 - February 28.


This means that no boats, cars or boat parts may be in that area and the crane may not be used.  Please get all your work done to boats between now and December 15.  Obviously, if the project wraps up before February 28, we will open Kiko’s corner back up.

Joe Hilliard, Mark Barton, David Nigus, Jeremy Shapley, Yates Phillips and I met with Foundation Specialties to discuss the upcoming sea wall renovation project.  

A Trip Down Memory Lane!

By Blake Byrd


Hello Fellow GMSC Members:


First, I encourage you all to read an email I sent to Max Mehlburger in 1999 about sailing, then read his response, then read my comments below. My email and his response are enclosed.


For some context to my email and Max’s response, my family goes way back with Max, his wife Kaki, and their family. I knew from childhood that Max was an accomplished sailor and a long-time member of GMSC. When I wrote the email to Max in 1999, I was living in DC and wanted to take a sailing course in nearby Annapolis. My references to Chet Hight and Jack Mulhollan in my email are particularly cool to me, especially since Jack and I sail together and against each other these days, and Chet asked me to crew for him in 2007 or so on his J-24, which I did for several years. I was asked to crew in the US Sailing Championship of Champions regatta at our club recently – something that could never have happened if it were not for the early support of Max and Chet years ago, setting me on my path to this magical sport of sailboat racing.


Max listed many pieces of sailing advice in his letter, and I took all his advice. I got my first dinghy (Y-Flyer) around 2009. Max had planted the seed in 1999 as later reinforced by Chet when I was the trimmer on his J-24, but relentless pressure and salesmanship from Drew Daughtery to buy a Y-Flyer made it a reality for me. After much tiller time in the dinghy and experience on the J-24, I chartered a Catalina 27 in Long Beach, CA. I took a friend, his girlfriend, and two other girls, and we had a wonderful time (taking girls along appeared to be a consistent theme in Max’s letter). Now I routinely race as a skipper and crew – another of his suggestions. I notice breeze, even when barely perceptible, not just when sailing, but all the time. I do have a library of sailing books including dated but venerable texts from Stuart Walker, M.D., Chapman Piloting, and my wife bought a book for me on celestial navigation years ago as a gift, which I plan to dig into one day.


I recently commented on Max’s letter to him and Ben Guise at a party during the CoC regatta. Max observed – and I could tell that he was half-joking/half-annoyed – that I never responded to his very thoughtful, single-spaced, detailed letter (I was 26 then). To Max I say the following: this letter and publication in the Mainsheet for all our members to see is my response and long overdue tribute. I apologize for the long delay in responding. It boiled down to procrastination. But hopefully you will understand that I only delayed responding for 25 years ONE DAY AT A TIME, as a wise man once put it to me. Thank you for being a great inspiration to many of us and an exceptional member of our special sailboat racing club.


Blake Byrd

Race Committee Support Volunteer Sign-Up Reminder

Please sign-up for specific dates using this link Volunteering and join the fun and support our racing program.
For more information on the race committee, please see the Race Committee page of our website.

You can also now quickly get to the link by clicking "Volunteering" on the "Volunteer" tab on the home page of our website. 

Looking for GMSC merch, check out the new apparel site and show off your GMSC pride.  

Looking for a Boat or Sailing Stuff?

Visit our website page and see GMSC Marketplace

Grande Maumelle Sailing Club is a non-profit organization formed to promote sailboat racing through educational, social, and competitive racing activities.

Please visit our website to find out more about our events and volunteer opportunities.

Mailing Address: PO Box 55237, Little Rock, AR 72215 USA

Physical Address: 12000 Maumelle Harbour Road, Roland, AR 72135 USA