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Date: 9/26/2024
Subject: Annual Membership Meeting, Wednesday, October 16 at 6:00 At Whole Hog
From: Grande Maumelle Sailing Club

GMSC Notice of Annual Membership Meeting


Wednesday, October 16 at 6:00 pm (meeting to start around 6:45)

The Whole Hog Party Room


Riverdale Location: 2516 Cantrell Road


Join us for our annual business meeting and the election of 2025 Flag Officers.  Learn about important projects going on at the club and volunteer opportunities, win some door prizes, and enjoy comradery with fellow members.


Feel free to arrive starting at 6:00 pm.  Members are encouraged to go through the Whole Hog line and order your own food (paid for by individuals). GMSC has reserved the party room for everyone to eat and socialize prior to the meeting.


The meeting is expected to start around 6:45 PM. 



If you are unable to attend the meeting, please complete and return your proxy.


You can complete online by going to  It is very easy – just login and submit.


 Alternatively, you may print the below proxy, complete and return to our secretary

Yates Phillips at



Annual Meeting Voting Proxy


The undersigned regular member of the Grande Maumelle Sailing Club hereby constitutes and appoints the person identified below or, if no one is named below, the Secretary of the Grande Maumelle Sailing Club, as my proxy, to vote, according to the number of votes which the undersigned would then be entitled to cast, and with all the powers which the undersigned would then be entitled to exercise, if personally present, at the 2024 annual members meeting of the Grande Maumelle Sailing Club, or at any adjournment of such meeting, upon any matter coming before such meeting or adjournment.



My named proxy is (please print):  _____________________________________


Member signature: ____________________________ Date signed: __________


Member’s printed name: ______________________________________________


Member’s address: ____________________________________________________



Other GMSC Board Positions and Committees: 


In addition to the flag officer roles, GMSC has many committees chair roles ranging from race committee, membership, equipment, grounds, docks & slips, clubhouse, social, learn to sail, historian and communications, social media, and website to name a few. 


If you are interested learning more about chairing, co-chairing or joining one of these committees, please email Mary Michaels at to learn more. This is a great chance to get involved and make a difference in our club. 

Save the Date!  Fall Ball Annual Awards Banquet, November 16 at the Marriott.  Watch your email for details about start time, registration, and purchasing a ticket.