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Date: 9/20/2023
Subject: Annual Membership Meeting, Sunday, October 8 at 4:30
From: Grande Maumelle Sailing Club

Annual Membership Meeting

Sunday, October 8 at 4:30 PM, at the GMSC Clubhouse


We are excited to announce that the GMSC Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 8th. Join us for a night of great comradery and learn about some exciting projects that the Board has been working on.  Dinner and drinks will be provided!   


One of the main events of the meeting will be the election of officers. It is an important event for us, and we encourage all members to attend and participate in the selection of our new officers.


More details about the meeting are below. Save the date and make sure to join us for this fun and important event.

GMSC Notice of Annual Membership Meeting

Sunday, October 8 at 4:30 pm

GMSC Clubhouse


Dinner Provided


Join us for our annual business meeting and election of 2024 Officers.  Learn about important projects going on at the club, volunteer opportunities and  upcoming classes and events.


Meeting will start at 5:15, followed by a spaghetti dinner and an opportunity to win some great door prizes! 

Nominations for Flag Officers: 


The nominating committee is currently accepting nominations for the positions of Commodore, Vice-commodore, Treasurer, and Secretary. This is a great opportunity to step up and become a leader in our organization.


If you are interested in any of these positions, please don't hesitate to contact Drew Daugherty at 501-772-2935 for a confidential conversation about your interest and to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each position. We encourage all members to consider taking on a leadership role and help shape the future of GMSC!

Other GMSC Board Positions and Committees: 


In addition to the flag officer roles, GMSC has 18 Committees chair roles ranging from race committee, membership, equipment, grounds, docks & slips, clubhouse, social, learn to sail, historian and communications, social media, and website to name a few. 


If you are interested learning more about chairing, co-chairing or joining one of these committees, we would love to hear from you!  Please email Mary Michaels at to express your interest and discuss the available opportunities. This is a great chance to get involved and make a difference in our club. 

In Case You Missed It: We have a BEAUTIFUL new Website and Membership Management System! 


Please check out our website at to see the beautiful work completed by Neil Jones and Tracy Sykes.  Their work highlights the beauty of our club and our robust racing program. It is truly an asset that differentiates GMSC! 


We want to remind all members to take a moment to verify their contact information on our member management system. It's a simple process that only takes a couple of minutes. You should have received an email from CLUB EXPRESS, our platform provider, with a link to follow. By verifying your information, you'll ensure that you receive all important communications from GMSC.


Plus, as added incentive, anyone who logs into the system by the annual meeting will be entered into a drawing for a free Fall Ball ticket!

Save the Date!  Fall Ball Annual Awards Banquet, November 18 at the Robinson Center.  Watch your email for details about start time, registration, and ticket prices.